Sweet Mermaids


Sweet Mermaids

Sweet Mermaids (Deluxe Version)

Oh, oh, oh

I feel something incredible
I don't know how to describe it
It's like sunshine in a cold place
Water when you're thirsty

Like an explosion of joy
Smiles bloom on my face
Without any difficulty
This is so good, so good

It's a state of euphoria
It makes me feel well-being
It's a state of euphoria
I've never felt anything like it
This euphoria is so good

Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh
I want this feeling
To continue in my life
Because it's so good, so good
To feel this joy like energy
Flowing through every pore of my body
It makes me feel alive
It makes me feel alive

It's a state of euphoria
It makes me feel well-being
It's a state of euphoria
I've never felt anything like it
This euphoria is so good
This euphoria is so good
This euphoria is so good

It's so good, so good
I need this feeling to continue

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

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