Sweet Mermaids

I Miss U

Sweet Mermaids

Sweet Mermaids (Deluxe Version)

I'm trying to fool myself
Telling myself that I'm fine
That I don't miss you
It's not like there's a void
In my chest that seems to grow
I'm trying to fool myself

I don't want to think about you
I don't want to suffer because of you
But this isn't under my control
I'm trying to fool myself

I miss you, I miss you so much
I'm trying to fool myself by saying I don't
But I miss you, I miss you so much
That I can hardly breathe, I miss you

I miss you, I miss you so much
That I can hardly breathe, I miss you
I miss you

The more I try to forget you
The more present you become
Sometimes I have long conversations
With you lying by my side
A side that is always empty
Where our bed used to be

I miss you, I miss you so much
I'm trying to fool myself by saying I don't
But I miss you, I miss you so much
That I can hardly breathe, I miss you

I don't want to live a whole life
Trapped by a ghost, going back to the past
Holding on to any remnants of us
But I don't know how to live any other way
You didn't teach me

I miss you

I don't want to live a whole life
Trapped by a ghost, going back to the past
Holding on to any remnants of us
But I don't know how to live any other way
You didn't teach me

I miss you

Compositor: Gabriel de Abreu

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