The chant has just begun The song must now be sung For the word must now be spoken The chant has just begun
(Fighting, Fighting)
Here we are in times of recession The cuts are like a stab in the back To the monetary sound the world goes round Unrest on every tongue in the land Sisters and brothers
Weialala leia Wallala leialaia
The chant has just begun The song must now be sung (Fighting, Fighting) For the word must now be spoken The chant has just begun
(Fighting, Fighting)
Well the gunpowders back in the basement A fuse has been lit in a house A crack is a crack and the people fight back Spreading their hope through the land
Sisters and brothers Weialala leia Wallala leialala
The chant has just begun The song must now be sung (Fighting, Fighting) For the word must now be spoken The chant has just begun
Fighting for the love fighting for the spirit From the top to the bottom from the start to the finish Fighting for the love fighting for the spirit From the top to the bottom from the start to the finish Fighting for the love Fighting for the love Fighting for the love
Weialala leia Wallala leialala
The chant has just begun The song must now be sung (Fighting, Fighting) For the word must now be spoken The chant has just begun