The Coronas


The Coronas

Thoughts & Observations

Think about what you're gonna say
Choose your words carefully
Just to make them go away
I'd rather be attentive in here
If something's coming over us
I think that's pretty clear

So let it ring out
Turn off the sound
Oh my god, how's it midnight?
We lost track of time
That's alright
It's just too late to reply

'Cause I'm the best ghost
Yeah, I don't wanna see anyone anyway
Put my phone back down
My friends know I've got it, got it bad
I will make it up to them when you're not around
When you're not around

If I leave them waiting
That's okay
They won't worry yet
'Cause the last thing I rеmember saying
Was along the linеs that I'm obsessed
Oh, and things are going good with it
Yeah, 'cause I'm the best ghost
Yeah, I don't wanna see anyone anyway
Put my phone back down
My friends know I've got it, got it bad
I will make it up to them when you're not around

And if you promise
If you really want it
Yeah, we can just hang about
'Cause I'm not much use to no one
Yeah, I'm no fun
Without you around

'Cause I'm the best ghost
Yeah, I don't wanna see anyone anyway
Put my phone back down
My friends know I've got it, got it bad
I will make it up to them when you're not around
When you're not around
I will make it up to them
When you're not around

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