The Coronas

Speak Up

The Coronas

Thoughts & Observations

I could never upstage you
As we walk into a room
You radiate kindness, oh

But I'm starting to notice
Yeah I finally found a reason to focus
But if I don't know where I should begin
If you can help me out, speak up now

Tell me what you think
I will take it on the chin

I hear myself saying
Things I don't really believe
I try to stay present, oh
Listen, listen

'Cause now I'm starting to notice
That I finally found a reason to focus
But I just don't know where I should begin
If you can help me out, speak up now
And I suppose this is exactly what growth is
But I just don't know where I should begin
If you can help me out, speak up now

Do you still think about us? Ah

'Cause I just want you to know this
Now I finally brought this thing into focus
But I still don't know where I should begin
If you can help me out, speak up now
And I suppose this is exactly what growth is
But I just don't know where I should begin
If you can help me out, speak up now
Can you help me out? Speak up now

Do you still think about us? Ah
I'll take it on the chin
Do you still think about us? Ah

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