This god-damn winter has lasted way too god-damn long When black trees whisper, whip, whistle, and they taunt A crow calls the murder to the street To pick bones clean of meat And show just how I'm feelin
All I've seen is blue black and grey For the past eleven days
This god-damn winter has lasted way too god-damn long My finger tips to hips, my lips have gone completely numb Jack frost chased all the rats in home They've devoured all that I love Sentiments of fond memories Somehow it don't mean shit to me
And I don't know if I'll ever feel like I did again For a short time I was happy and you could catch me smiling When all your love has dripped from your veins onto a dirty floor Take a cold look and remember causa I'm what you came here for And I don't know what went wrong But it's been coming on for long
This god-damn winter has lasted way too god-damn long When dead things bleed rest assured they're more than unresolved I've fallen on a darker day These sores won't heal and I tongue the pain Gripped tight like it's my saving grace Count you blessing cause I'm negative