Words written on the walls of a upper-class nightclub in Uruguay by the Tupamaros, a group of revolutionaries seeking social justice and equality more than thirty years ago. They did not get it, but their words deserve repeating.
Either Everyone Dances or No One Dances!
A statement about more than just exclusion. A message that merged poetics & politics, action & art, class struggle & culture.
Qhat can be achieved against those who seek to constrain or destroy the human spirit if the opposition is busy neglecting it themselves? We should never settle for the culture of revolutionary when what we really need is a truly revolutionary approach to culture. What have become when our only source of life is our rhetoric? A question the mirror of every self-styled revolutionary or activist should ask.
Difficult times can try the soul. But they can also clarify vision -- bring important into perspective. And make us rediscover what it is to be alive.
¡O Bailan Todos, O No Bailan Nadie!
Say it, write it, scream it -- just make sure that you want it, feel it, do it.