I've grown tired of conversation all the play by play a remedy for my salvation seems so far away full time jobs at part time wages all the cubicles are cages messages and medicines to bitter for my taste
now all I'm wanting and all I'm needing is to send my mind out of body when you come around all I'm wanting and all I'm needing is one more drink and a spoonful of sugar to wash it all down
family value complicated I am not ashamed you know I wanna be x-rated can I hit reset, can I bum a cigarette dirty words atract like a magnet I've got skeletons hid so deep they're bones will turn to dust
what I know is: all I know is I will not outgrow this like another hand-me-down all I'm wanting, and all I'm needing is one more drink and a spoonful of sugar to wash it down
and all I want is, and all I need is for you to break my fall with your body when I hit the ground and all I really want is, and all I really need is is one more drink and a spoonful of sugar to wash it all down