White Stripes
Página inicial > Rock > W > White Stripes > I'm Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman

I'm Finding It Harder To Be A Gentleman

White Stripes

White Blood Cells

Well I'm finding it harder
to be a gentleman every day
all the manners that I've been taught
have slowly died away
but if I held the door open for you
It wouldn't make your day

You think that I care
about me and only me
when every single girl needs help
climbing up a tree
well I know it don't take much
to satisfy me

Maybe it's whatever's in my head
that's distracting me
but if i could find emotion
to stimulate devotion
well then you'd see

Well I'm finding it hard to say
that I need you twenty times a day
I feel comfortable so baby why
don't you feel the same?
have a doctor come and visit us
and tell us which one is sane

Well I never said I wouldn't
Throw my jacket in the mud for you
but my father gave it to me so
maybe I should carry you
then you said
"You almost dropped me"
so then I did
and I got mud on my shoes

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