Tom Misch
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Man Like You

Tom Misch


I knew a boy who was swallowed by the sky
By the flashing lights
I knew a man who got lost in the big dark blue
He came out alive
I knew a boy, I knew a man that looked a lot like you

I knew a time that you could stand still beside
Never rushing by
I knew a place you'd go if you had to explore
Into peace of mind
I knew a boy, I knew a man that looked a lot like you
I knew a time, I knew a place that felt a lot like you

I knew a boy who was swallowed by the sky
By the flashing lights
I knew a man who got lost in the big dark blue
He came out alive
I knew a boy, I knew a man that looked a lot like you
I knew a time, I knew a place that felt a lot like

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