Tom Misch
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Watch Me Dance

Tom Misch

Remember every move you make as if it was still true
Is that I am king that I feel brand new

'Cause you're in my soul, can't let you go, fighting for you
And in my dreams I'll make you appear
As we move closer, and I groove with you
Blue and green rays, they shine through, hey
Feel the energy, you don't have to try
You can see it in our bodies, you can see it in our eyes

Watch me dance with this memory
Just as real, just as heavenly
Watch me dance in my reverie
The light decays, but the love remains
Watch me dance with this memory
Just as real, just as here for me
Watch me dance in my reverie
The light decays, but the love remains

In the mist of the crowded room, we might have flown
But all I see is you, and you alone

'Cause you're in my soul, can't let you go, fighting for you
And in my dreams I'll make you appear
As we move closer, and I grove with you
Blue and green rays, they shine through, hey
Feel the energy, you don't have to try
You can see it in our bodies, you can see it in our eyes

Watch me dance with this memory
Just as real, just as heavenly
Watch me dance in my reverie
The light decays, but the love remains
Watch me dance with this memory
Just as real, just as here for me
Watch me dance in my reverie
The light decays, but the love remains

It remains
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey

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