Could I interest you in a little something special Pay the earth but if you have no money Your attention'll do And if you don't give a damn You're welcome to keep it It's a hard road when you know where you're going And it's harder when you know where you're not
So I'll stamp my clay feet till the staggering stops But good God give me strength to face another lazy day of "If I was a millionaire I'd be a million miles from here"
Hands of the clock give me a round of applause For getting out of bed and the scars of the night before Have turned into scabs and still I'm seeing double And I'm looking twice my age It's getting to the stage where I'm old, not wise, just worried And stories of rags to riches leave me in stitches And with a thread that's hard to follow
You came into my life like a brick through a window And I cracked a smile
Who remembers the good old games That seemed to fill our days Like a kiss, cuddle and torture and I-spy, SPIT in your eye
Those around me who came up trumps Would always get down on their knees to brag