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I Hope That You Spontaneously Combust


L.A Times

You're so broke you could choke on the smoke that you toke
And you want everybody here to know about it
You're so dope and you hope that the rope 'round your throat
Will break and everybody here will talk about it

I hope that you spontaneously combust
And give us all some peace at last
It isn't very much to ask

Where do you hide when you're wide
and you're so dead inside?
And you'll do anything to never talk about it
Such a shame when your brain is the size of a grain
And you don't know еnough to know that you're a fanny

I hope that you spontaneously combust
And givе us all some peace at last
It isn't very much to ask

I hope that you spontaneously combust
And give us all some peace at last
It isn't very much to ask

Compositor: Fran Healy

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