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Last Words


Ode To J.Smith

Trying to shine a light into the dark
Corners of the mind and of the heart
Find out what you're carrying around
Things you can't remember having found

Holding on
all the best you can
Finding out
In a nick of time

Of the last words
Are hanging on my phone
Of the last words
Even when you're standing on your own
Of the last words
Are lying on my floor
Of the last words

Trying to find a place you can begin
Cling to fill the space you're living in
Rip it up and start it all again
Turning all your enemies into friends

Holding on
All the best you can
Finding out
In a nick of time

Of the last words
Are hanging on my phone
Of the last words
Even when you're standing on your own
Of the last words
Are lying on my floor
Of the last words

Of the last words
Are hanging on my phone
Of the last words
Even when you're standing on your own
Of the last words
Are lying on your floor
Of the last words
I know, in know, you know

Of the last words
Are hanging on my phone
Of the last words
Even when you're standing on your own
Of the last words
Are lying on your floor
Of the last words
Of the last words

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