Página inicial > Indie > T > Travis > Re-offender



12 Memories

Keeping up appearances
Keeping up with the Jones'
Fooling my selfish heart
Going through the motions
But I'm fooling myself
I'm fooling myself

Cause you say you love me
And then you do it again
You do it again
You say you're sorry
And then you do it again
You do it again

Everybody thinks you're well
Everybody thinks I'm ill
Watching me fall apart
Falling under your spell
But you're fooling yourself
Your fooling yourself

Cause you say you love me
And then you do it again
You do it again
You say you're sorry
And then you do it again
You do it again and again and again and again and again

But you're fooling yourself
You're fooling yourself

Cause you say you love me
And then you do it again
You do it again
You say you're sorry
Then you do it again
You do it again

You say you love me
And then you do it again
You do it again
You say you're sorry
And then you do it again
You do it again and again and again and again and again

Compositor: Fran Healy

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