Página inicial > Indie > T > Travis > The Humpty Dumpty Love Song

The Humpty Dumpty Love Song


The Invisible Band

All of the king's horses and all of the king's men.
Couldn't pull my heart back together again.
All of the physicians and mathematicians too.
Failed to stop my heart from breaking in two.

'Cos all I need is you, I just need you.
Yeah you got the glue, so I'm gonna give my heart to you.

I had a premonition, a movie in my mind,
confirming my suspicions of what I would find.
It followed me to L.A., down to Mexico,
Came in through the back door at the start of the show.

Still all I need is you, I just need you.
Yeah you got the glue, so I'm gonna give my heart to you.

Oh was a perfect day.
Oh in a perfect way, you know,
Something had go
You left me high, you left me low.

Now as I lie in pieces, and wait for your return,
The sun upon my forehead it burns baby burns baby burns.
An eye on all my horses, you've slept with all
my men.
I'm never gonna get it again.

Still all I need is you, I just need you, I just need you.
Yeah you got the glue, so I'm gonna give my heart to you.

Yeah you got the glue
And there's nothing I can do.
Yeah you got the glue
So I'm gonna give my heart to you

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