Many despise me, because I yell the truth. The Truth will set you free and I am the proof. I yell and scream and take my stand that the truth would be made known, to give the blind helpless people hope in this dying world.
Persecute me, call me what you will, Just because of the way the Spirit's conviction makes you feel. Whether you except or deny what is real, the word of God will stand forever and forever will stand still...
You're blind to see that your world is made of lies, sent in your path to rob you from salvation ( Jesus Christ ), from the dark one that wants to take your soul with him to a flaming place with the rest of outsmarted men. His time will come as well, he will burn there in the end. So sin he sends to claim you, he'll take down as many as he can.
Depart from your sinful ways, don't let yourself be robbed from a destiny in heaven, and all gifts from God. For eternal misery, Torture, Pain, and hell. God gave you the choice, choose for yourself..... Accept Jesus Christ in your heart today. Commit your life to Him, and keep Him there to stay. Ask Him to forgive you. Confess you sinful ways. He wants to be the hope for the rest of your days...