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So Dumb



Dime, how is it gonna be
Gonna keep talking shit
Gonna ending up counting some teeth

Such a waste of fucking time
Try to use your mind
What the fuck?

Read the room, read the room
Read the room, read the room
Scared of me
Read the room, read the room

That's what you should be
Do you think that I live in your fantasy?
Just a part of your land of make believe
Last season magazine
It's so dumb comparing you and me

I've been feeling in my feelings
All that feelings can do
The evolution gap between me and you

Is that what you wanna do
It's so dumb comparing me and you

lo que me fue hecha para ser
Se que no lo vas a creer
Yo no creo que tú consiga me compreender
Pero se que puedes sentir el poder
Que se sabe de una chica Calíca
Mira que rica
Muito Bonita
Sabe que somos la misma en la quimica
Eres tan siníca
Eres tan siníca

Scared of me

Read the room, read the room
Read the room, read the room
Scared of me
Read the room, read the room

That's what you should be
Do you think that I live in your fantasy?
Just a part of your land of make believe
Last season magazine
It's so dumb comparing you and me

I've been feeling in my feelings
All that feelings can do
The evolution gap between me and you

That's what you wanna do
It's so dumb comparing me and you

Do you think that I live in your fantasy?
Just a part of your land of make believe
Last season magazine
It's so dumb comparing me and you

I don't if you got it
What it takes
I'm all about it

I don't if you got it
What it takes
I'm all about it

It's so dumb comparing you and me

Compositores: Maffalda, Urias, Davi Sabbag, Number Teddie, Zebu, Gorky

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