Born from a favela, tráfico full of it a perfect barraco, my best friend so much to play for, so much to earn for
I sing cuz I can't play, I'm fat, everyone says Hasten to ground by a french guy running within this big field, this exhaustive game my dinheirinho to nobody
never sigh for better game its already lost, played and fucked every passe that ronaldinho does everything just a derrota in the niight
wrote for the loser, wrote for the ronaldinhas they died for the gordo, the one in the field created a kingdom, only banha, not wisdom failed in becoming a god
If you read this line, remember not the fiasco that was the game remember only the foot, the one without talent For we haven't given our strenght, and we didn't have any strenght Disconforting homeland, povo's vaia, where playing well became a thrill I never knew the bitter derrota fucking down my life
Teach me how to play 'cause I fear it's gone Show me Ballack, hold the ball So much more I wanted to give to the povo that once loved me I'm sorry The banhas will tell (my cara de pastel) I play no more to shame, nor Brazil, nor you And uh. I wish I wasnt called a pipoqueiro anymore.