Vintage Culture
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My Girl (With Fancy Inc)

Vintage Culture

My girl wants to

My girl wants to
Party all the time, party all the time, party all the time
My girl wants to
Party all the time, party all the time, party all the time
My girl wants to
Party all the time, party all the time, the time, the time

Why you want to hurt me?
I can't understand it
If you want to know what love is
I can show it's worth it
Damn, you're pretty, pretty girl
You could live inside my world
Here's a little diddy for ya
Maybe you could show me more

You know where to find me, baby
You can find me up all night
If you want to know what love is
I can show you what it's like

Damn, you're pretty, pretty girl
You could live inside my world
Here's a little diddy for ya
Maybe you could show me more

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