Vintage Culture

She Knows

Vintage Culture

I'm waiting, the summer
The light that shines right from your eyes
Cuz I can be much better than you knew
From a long long time ago
I like you, I feel you
I'm struggling with the feeling that you be around
And I hope that this time is for real

Do you want to live just trying to remember
That sundays she might be around
And you've got to know that I don't really need you
She is so hot to satisfy
And I know, and you know, and she knows
That my love won't fade away
Do you want to live just trying to remember
That sundays she might be around

I'm waiting, the summer
The light that shines right from your eyes
Cuz I can be much better than you knew
From a long long time ago
I like you, I feel you
I'm struggling with the feeling that you be around
And I hope that this time is for real

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