Watch Out for the Hounds
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The Weird Tales of Grandma Marinette

Watch Out for the Hounds


When I was little grandma said to me
All gold in the world means nothing, you see
Take on your nightmares and hide on your bed
There're things under there that just need to be fed

A handful of coins just might get you across
But I rather drown than to hang from that cross
I'll reach the shore and I'll buy me a soul
With the right coin it could be of my foul
Midnight is rising, I'm turning to dust
On bleeds the pig until I kill my thirst

O sol no horizonte começa a brilhar
Chegada a hora, o galo a confessar
Um grito, um gemido, a fumaça a dançar
Marinette, Marinette
nunca vai se deitar

Now in control you can feel the deceased
Fill up your cup see the blade at your feet
We dance and we sing, a new ruling begins
Marinette killed the pig, let the feasting proceed

The sun is now high and my eyes filled with sand
Grandmother's tales must come to an end
Just try to forget, it was all for the best
Inside we all know Marinette never rests

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