We Are The Arsenal

If I Did It

We Are The Arsenal

Tonight we fight, there's gonna be a war tonight
So fall in and believe in me, there's gonna be a war tonight
Mother, Father, there's gonna be a war tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
There's gonna be a war, this time they've gone too far
Get out now before it's too late

So believe in me, I will never let you down
Or at least I haven't yet, but believe me when I tell you
There's gonna be a war. You can't escape it, can't explain it
But it's knockin on your front door
And the world you knew before, you can kiss it goodbye
Cuz before this is over, we're all going to die

All we want is what is ours, not one penny more
But we're a long way from home, and everything we know
Is a dark and lonely road headed to nowhere

So believe in me, I will never let you down
Or at least I haven't yet, so believe in me!
There's gonna be a war. You can't escape it, can't erase it
But it's knockin on your door
And the world you knew before, you can kiss it goodbye
Cuz before this is over, we're all going to die

All we want is what is ours, not one penny more
But we're a long way from home, and everything we know
Is a dark and lonely road headed to nowhere

Tonight we fight, there's gonna be a war tonight
So fall in and believe in me, there's gonna be a war tonight
Mother, Father, there's gonna be a war tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
There's gonna be a war, this time they've gone too far
Get out now before it's too late

All we want is what is ours, not one penny more
But we're a long way from home, and everything we know
Is a dark and lonely road headed to nowhere

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