What's He Building In There?


What's He Building In There?

(It’s all in your head, the source is an unnamed intoxicant)

“This is your pre-eminent role call. My guess is your consciousness knows not who’s on whose side. Know this: you’ve begun another gene extension [process] all that I said and don’t fight it. It’s all in you head. Trust no one but Xolotl.”

So myopic are we as we throw our melodious directives. Fuelling insurrection for complacent minions who herald the new day. Inconsistent with your belligerent views, used to gather a following and your systematical eradication gleans a tyrant’s ovation.

“Roll call. When you ‘waken, you’ll be free to live or die. Use the knowledge you’ve acquired to get you by. Manifesting one to guide us through the sky. When you ‘waken, make your choice and live or die.”

Do you think you’re different? Do you think you’re better? Do you think you’re righteous? Do you think you’re superior? But it’s in your nature to act like the dictator. Y’ain’t fooling anyone, so shut the fuck up! Manipulating to condemn all that you can’t comprehend.

“Well, ask me any question and I’ll spit the truths that belie the true nature of word”

So inhuman in the wake of devastation: how the fires they burn. You incited as refuge from the feud, though we’re sceptical of origin. No more persecution and malicious violence; silence the autocrat. The destruction and the downfall of your kingdom ring the bells of... Freedom: you can’t preach freedom, sitting atop the throne. Freedom exists in the people who know who they are.

“Too many dynasties die chasing ego-trips. Die cast complexions with a lecherous smile. Place cards and timelines can point out the meaning of the derelict who infect, corrupting with poisoned lies.”

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