QUEENIE Queenie was a blonde and her age stood still. And she danced twice a day in vaudeville. Queenie was a blonde, and if looks could kill, She would kill twice a day in vaudeville. She had grey eyes, Lips like coals aglow. And her face was a tinted mask of snow. With those shoulders, What a back she had. Her legs were built to drive men mad.
And she did.
She would skid.
MEN She had grey eyes, Lips like coals aglow. And her face was a tinted mask of snow.
QUEENIE With those shoulders, What a back she had. Her legs were built to drive men:
MEN Her legs were built: Her legs were built to drive men -
QUEENIE Mad. But how was she ever to love them? There were far too many of them.
MEN She never got tired Of the men she desired. She never inquired of the men She desired.
QUEENIE MEN She never got tired Of the men she desired.
One is simple She never inquired of the men She desired.
Two is good She never got tired Of the men she desired.
Three is better She never inquired of the men She desired.
MEN Four?
QUEENIE Now you're knocking on wood Well, I adore men So bring me more men.
MEN She never inquired Of the men she desired Of their status or their wealth, They were all in perfect health.
QUEENIE MEN True, so true Queenie was a blonde And her age stood still. And Queenie knew True, she knew
QUEENIE And MEN That she liked her lovers violent, And he liked her vicious, But until she found the one man Who could answer all her wishes
MEN Queenie was sexually ambitious Capricious
QUEENIE So delicious.
BURRS Are you ready to laugh? Are you ready to smile? Are you ready to sing and dance for a while?
Before too long she'd meet a man named Burrs. A handsome devil with a life like hers
BURRS WOMEN A clown, A clown, Of some renown. A clown of some renown. Well-known MEN Well-known All over town Well-known all over town. He could make 'em laugh
BURRS Bend their ribs in half
ALL Ho! Ho!
BURRS He was mast of his work He could give 'em Hell Just one sentimental smirk And the house might yell:
BURRS Oh, yes, They shouted out his name Proclaiming he was grand
GIRLS Burrsie, Burrsie BURRS And, yes, he played the girlie game But behind the scenes: He was mean and rough He was mean and rough He was made of vile and violent stuff. They liked him tough. Get in his way And he would run you down
BURRS He was a very scary clown! He didn't want to be bad. He was bored. He was sore. He was dying for more.
BURRS Where was she?
BURRS That special girl who could take him over the top? One day he'd find her:
ENSEMBLE Until she found the one man
BURRS One day, you bet
ENSEMBLE Who could answer all her wishes
BURRS One day she'd just appear
QUEENIE Then one day they met
BURRS And fireworks flew.
QUEENIE Her passion ignited She was smitten.
BURRS His colors shone through He'd met his match.
QUEENIE, BURRS And ENSEMBLE They knew what to do
QUEENIE And BURRS I found you
ENSEMBLE They said.
QUEENIE And BURRS Now Queenie and Burrs were well-fed.
ENSEMBLE For the one thing that they had in common The one thing that they in common Was the fact they were so good in bed! So, now you know A fascinating woman A fascinating lover A fascinating couple As They Go!