Wild Rivers


Wild Rivers

Better Now

I knew that this day would always come
You were gonna find a girl
You were gonna hold her tight
You were gonna show her love
And I knew that I was always gonna run
Take him up on all the plans
Never have an empty hand
I was gonna get it done

Now you're coming to me in the night
Thought that I was doing this right

Now I'm sleeping with the TV on
Not leaving 'til even the zombies go home
I kept flying west to avoid the cold
But I forgot the pain of thawing out
I wish that I was freezing now

Leaky facet in my new apartment
Waking up to neighbors yelling
And I get a little jealous
'Cause they got someone to yell at
Put your love into my glove compartment
I just drove until I couldn't
Change my mind and swore I wouldn't
But I always do
I'm always one step behind you
The water's rising soon, soon

Now I'm sleeping with the TV on
Not leaving 'til even the zombies go home
I kept flying west to avoid the cold
But I forgot the pain of thawing out
I wish that I was freezing now


I forgot the pain of thawing out
I wish that I was freezing now

Compositor: Deva

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