Gary Numan


# 10 faixas

  1. 01. Introduction
  2. 04. Friends: Pure Version
  3. 06. Question of Faith
  4. 07. Voix

# 10 faixas

  1. 02. Alien Cure
  2. 09. Band Introduction

# 27 faixas

  1. 01.
  2. 07. The Sleep Room
  3. 10. I Die, You Die [live]
  4. 11. Me, I Disconnect from You
  5. 13. Are Friends Electric? [live]
  6. 14.
  7. 20. The Sleep Room
  8. 23. I Die, You Die [live]
  9. 24. Me, I Dissconect from You [live]
  10. 26. Are "Friends" Electric? [live]
  11. 27. Bonus Material

# 15 faixas

  1. 04. This Prision Moon
  2. 08. Love is Like Clock Law
  3. 09. The Rythym of The Evening
  4. 11. My Car Slides 1
  5. 12. My Car Slides 2

# 15 faixas

  1. 02. War Song
  2. 08. We take Mistery to Bed
  3. 10. Glitter and Ash
  4. 12. This House is Cold
  5. 14. We Take Mistery
  6. 15. Bridge? What Bridge?

# 19 faixas

  1. 02. Metal 98
  2. 06. Down In The Park 98
  3. 08. New Arger
  4. 15. Magic
  5. 16. Voix 98
  6. 17. I Can t Stop
  7. 19. Tribal



# 11 faixas

  1. 03. Rip
  2. 06. Fallen
  3. 10. Little Invitra
  4. 11. I Can t Breathe