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Softly Softly


Softly Softly

Streamy like a winter storm
Softer than the sharpest thorn
I held your hand and I was born
So explain your fury and you were never scorned

You made me feel the way I felt
You can do me wrong babe
But make it feel make it feel

Softly Softly show me you care
Easy easy keep me right there
Would you ever if I doubled dared
Hurt me harshly destroy me with care

And make the first slice like I first cut you
Oh baby why you wanna just hurt me like you do

Softly Softly show me you care
Easy easy keep me right there
Would you ever if I doubled dared

Streamy like a winter storm
Softer than the sharpest thorn
I held your hand and I was born
Softly Softly destroy me with care

Compositores: Stuart Colin Matthewman, Maxwell Gerald Davis Menard
ECAD: Obra #7943414

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