Um trecho de uma possível parceria entre a banda blink-182 e Miley Cyrus surgiu online e fãs se perguntaram se a faixa era realmente verdadeira. Em uma live, o vocalista e baixista, Mark Hoppus, confirmou que a música realmente existe.

O nome da canção é "I Really Wish I Hated You", que foi lançada no álbum "NINE". Porém, a versão gravada com Miley acabou ficando de fora da gravação.

Uma conta de fãs no Instagram postou o trecho da música.

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This is incredible. Apparently, there is a version of I Really Wish I Hated You with Miley Cyrus of all people sharing vocal duties. This requires further explanation. Some of you might remember that in several interviews blink-182 stated that this song was the hardest one to complete on NINE and went through about five different iterations. It is possible that at a certain point during the recording process Miley Cyrus was involved in some capacity. In fact, this song was produced by Andrew Watt and Ali Tamposi, two household names in the pop scene who are behind some of the top hits you hear on the radio everyday and who have reportedly collaborated with Miley Cyrus on her upcoming album. That being said, it is hard to determine whether blink-182 actually considered having Miley Cyrus as a guest vocalist on a track or this snippet is fake in the sense that Watt and Tamposi initially brought the idea for I Really Wish I Hated You to Miley Cyrus and only later to blink-182 and this is just Miley's demo layered on blink's song. #blink182 #blink182italia

Uma publicação compartilhada por blink-182 Italia (@blink182italia) em

Veja o vídeo com Mark Hoppus confirmando que a colaboração foi gravada: