Redd Kross

Popular Cult

Redd Kross

His words they always seems to come out right
TV, CD players are on all night

Yes, life is so much better
Will this feeling last forever

We belong
Do we belong

Popular is what I want to see
Popular is what you're gonna be
Can't you see it's closing in on me
I belong to a cult

Dope fiends and scented magazines in piles
She creates the look for trash inspires the style
Yes life was so much worse
Are we gonna let popular kill us all

We belong
Do we belong

Popular is what I need to see
Popular is what you're gonna be
Can't you see it's closing in on me
I belong to a
I belong to a

I have lost my freedom
And that's OK

[You are so wonderful]
[You are so mystical]
[We are disposable]

Popular is what I want to see
Popular is what you're gonna be
Can't you see it's closing in on me
I belong to a
I'm involved with a

Popular is what I want to see
Popular is what you're gonna be
Can't you see it's closing in on me
I belong to a
I'm involved with a - CULT!

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