The Dare
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You Can Never Go Home

The Dare

Sometimes I only sing one note
Yeah, sometimes I steal what others wrote
Sometimes I burn for you like money
Sometimes I'm lead up like a junkie
(You can never go home)

So don't look back tonight
Tonight is all we know
Leave everything behind
'Cause you can never go home

Sometimes I'm close to suicide
Sometimes I'm not like you inside
Sometimes I feel like I just barely know
Sometimes I only love my stereo
(You can never go home)

So don't look back tonight
Tonight is all we know
Leave everything behind
'Cause you can never go home

You can never go home!
Yeah, woo!
God- You can, you can never

Dreams die like a fantasy
I watch your life crash into me
Tear the ribbons out of your stereo
No you're not alone, you're not alone
Just watch the life just flash passing by
Two bars arrive, you're going out tonight with me
You see, you never know
Because you'll just know that you
Can never go home

Compositor: Harrison Patrick Smith

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