If you've got love to move the mountains, If you've got trust to pass the miles, Then what we got is better than your smile. And my strongest memories are of us falling asleep in your living room watching TV, then waking up at 3AM the only thing on my mind was that I didn't want to leave. When I did I would be driving home, and I would just think how lucky I am that I'd get to see you the next day at work. So he would bark then I'd take him for a walk. And I'm not a big fan of dogs but because you loved him I loved him, because you were you I loved you, because you were strong I respected you, because I was wrong I hurt you. So I'd never be sorry enough that I'd be able to make up for the times that I hurt you. Love is your favorite spot on Signal Hill and if you thought I wasn't listening you're mistaken. It's the picture of you your sister showed me, when you were a kid. When your neice asked me to pick her up, and I held her in my arms, and I knew you would make a beautiful bride. The doctor and the DJ, but which one am I? I hope I'm either one or the other. To impress you I bought that CD and the song started out, "I may not always love you but darling, as long as there are stars above you, you never need to doubt it"