when he left, he showed up at my door, different than he was before I was scared, and he was way off track I thought he wasn't coming back he told me, people were out after him and talked of places that he'd never been, on a mission, and sworn to secrecy, different than he used to be back, back, and we're glad he's back on track! It's good to have him back, he's back back, back, and we're glad he's back on track! It's good to have him back, he's back when he was gone, he slept out on my couch in the daytime he was always out I never knew where he went or how his afternoons were spent he said he had to slay a dragon, kill a giant, fix a wagon wage a war, feed the world, and stamp out sin, in the daytime he was never in back, back, and we're glad he's back on track! It's good to have him back, he's back back, back, and we're glad he's back on track! It's good to have him back, he's back I'm a freight train baby don't give me no sidetrack, no! I want your main line baby! climb aboard the Eden Express! this train is coming through! this train is bound for glory! this train, this, train is comig through! this train is bound for glory! when he left, he showed up at my door, different than he was before I was scared and he was way off track I thought he wasn't coming back when he spoke it was tough to tell, he ever left or wasn't well lost his balance tripped and fell he came back and we were glad as hell when he came back, he showed up at my door, different than he was before I was geared 'cause he was back on track it's good to have my old friend back back, back, and we're glad he's back on track! It's good to have him back, he's back back, back, and we're glad he's back on track! It's good to have him back, he's back