The Smile
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Read the Room

The Smile

Wall Of Eyes

And when the time is right
And when the end has come
Maybe you can't, maybe you can't be arsed (Can't be arsed)
For half a million (For half a million)
That's your opinion
That's how your story goes
A magic rain-, a magic rainbow (A magic rainbow)
So big, it bends the light high, high

You know it takes away
It takes the fun out
Maybe I can't, maybe I can't be arsed
This crashing currency
These kind of phone calls (These kind of phone calls)
These candy aerosols
These massive e-, these massive egos
So big, they bend the light high, high

Who knows what it wants from me?
This goes where it wants to be
Honey for the honey bee
But I am gonna count to three
Keep this shit away from me

Maybe you should read the room
What on earth?
Come on, honey, read the room

Who knows what it wants from me?
This goes where it wants to be
Honey for the honey bee
But I am gonna count to three
Keep that shit away from me

"Come on out
Come on out
We know
You're in there
We know
You're in there"
Everybody thinks so
Everybody thinks so
Everybody thinks so

Compositores: Jonny Greenwood. Thom Yorke, Tom Skinner

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