Tom Walker


Tom Walker

When I called on the phone, emotion took over
My voice kinda cracked like the leaves in October
The waters, they poured like when Carl loses Ellie
Except this ain't a movie, starred up on the tele
You asked me what's wrong, and I paused for a moment
The silence was deafening, fear, it took over
Explain the situation and the past days transpired
First word's an ember, but now it's a fire
I'm sending a signal to you

It's an SOS
Save our souls, I'm losing faith, losing hope
I need some therapy from friends that know the better me
(Save our souls, save our souls)
It's an SOS
Take me home, I've lost my way, I can't cope
I need some therapy from friends that know the better me
(Save our souls, save our souls)

And you dropped the whole world and drove down from Bristol
In the flesh, you were here like a round-loaded pistol
I'm not a man of God, still my prayers weren't forgotten
'Cause friends you would die for don't come around often
You walked through the door, I burst into tears
And raised like two brothers, my worries, my troubles
Faded away as I poured us a cider
When I needed you most, you were right there beside us
I sent a signal to you

It's an SOS
Save our souls, I'm losing faith, losing hope
I need some therapy from friends that know the better me
(Save our souls, save our souls)
It's an SOS
Take me home, I've lost my way, I can't cope
I need some therapy from friends that know the better me
(Save our souls, save our souls)

In my moment of need, you came running
And I slept for the first time in days
I was right on the edge, an emotional wreck
I just needed a friend when you say (save our souls)
Yeah, whatever it takes we'll get through this
(save our souls)
Oh, and no matter, what you'll be fine (save our souls)
Don't you worry, my brother
I'm right here beside you tonight

It's an SOS
Save our souls, I'm losing faith, losing hope
I need some therapy from friends that know the better me
It's an SOS
Take me home, I've lost my way, I can't cope
I need some therapy from friends that know the better me
And then I sent out a signal to you

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