Kylie Minogue


Kylie Minogue

The Abbey Road Sessions

Wrapped in a blanket of hope
Asleep in a bed of dreams
I step into eternity
Was not what I might have been
Or not at all, for who knows
Which way the wind is gonna blow
I am waiting for your gentle whisper

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you'll amaze me

An act of balancing,
Imagining the moment I can be
Looking deep into your eyes
For now a mystery
Or not at all for who knows
Which way the wind is gonna blow
I am waiting for your gentle whisper

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you'll amaze me

Two hearts
In the hands of time
Your love bleeds into mine
I'll be with you forever
I'll give you everything I am
Want you to understand
It's you and I together

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you'll amaze me

Distant child, my flower
Are you blowing in the breeze?
Can you feel me?
As I breathe life into you
In a while my flower
Somewhere in a desert haze
I know one day you'll amaze me

Compositor: Kylie Minogue / Steve Anderson

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