Página inicial > P > Poppy > Fuzzy




I need somebody to love me
Make me feel warm and fuzzy

I've been a good girl, my life is pretty great
I'm at the photo shoot with make up on my face
But I'm missing something
I can't seem to place, oh no

I've got a fashion sense and money to my name
I've got some cool friends
And food is on my plate
But where's the magic
That I see in everybody else's face?

I need somebody to love me
Make me feel warm and fuzzy
Come on and kiss me, and hug me
Show me everything
I wanna get warm and fuzzy with you

I've got all the things money can buy
But I want the special feeling
Coming from inside
Take me in your arms
And show me what it means
To be loved by only one
Can you show me, baby?

I need somebody to love me
Make me feel warm and fuzzy
Come on and kiss me, and hug me
Show me everything
I wanna get warm and fuzzy with you

I wanna be swept off my feet
Live in a dream like a movie scene
But I can't do it alone
I need help from another
Be my perfect lover, please
I need to know what it means to be loved
Can you show me baby?

I need somebody to love me
Make me feel warm and fuzzy
Come on and kiss me, and hug me
Show me everything
I wanna get warm and fuzzy with you

Come on and kiss me, and hug me
Show me everything
I wanna get warm and fuzzy with you

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