Winds rising, waves crashing
Amergin's eyes fixed on the shore!
Sons of the gael at inver slane
Return to revenge the death of ith
Sent forth by mileds sons
If you can not claim the land!
Then your kin will follow and take it
As their own!
The ships came the tuatha ran to the shore
Casting ancient spells to subdue them
The gael hindered by their enchantments
Finally they landed at inver sceine
They marched to slieve mis, eibhline and to uisneach
They were met by three queens
Amergin spoke to them fodhla, banba and eriu!
To the realm of teamhair the gael did journey
A great quarrel was among cermaits sons
Even with a house so full of riches
Food and wealth as far as the eye could see
The gael were puzzled and confused at their rage
And among the sons amergin rose proclaiming
Give up the kingship or face battle!
The sons refused to battle then but
Said make us an offer fair
Amergin told his men to go
Nine waves from the shore!
Rising waves crash at the ships
The wind blasting at the fray
Hail to amergin hail to him
Hail to amergin the druid of the gael
Dark clouds gathering above
A wind unnatural amassing
Hail to amergin hail to him
Hail to amergin the druid of the gael
The gael had left in their ships
The men of dea arrived
Casting a great wind it scathered them all
Against the waves under a blackened sky
Amergin knew something was afoot
Arranan knew this aswell
He died with his ship against the rocks
This wind unnatural untamed and wild
Donn and twenty-four did drown in the sea
Ir's body was thrown and cast to the shore
His enemies were in dread of his name
Heremon at inver colpa of the sword
Five of mileds sons, tossed by the wind
And devoured by the great sea
Heber heremon and amergin
Were left to lay claim of eire
Donn who was swept into the sea
He called out to treachery
"There is none here! " amergin said
And he called to the great wind
That whom is tossing in the sea may he reach land
That in its mountains, valleys forests and rivers
And great waters that he may find a place
A king of our own and a place for our kin
The wind grew silent and law calm
I am the force in the wind
I am the strong waves of the sea
I am the horns of the bull
I am the eagle wings spread
I am the blazing sun
I am a oak in the wood
I am a boar from the hunt
I am a salmon in the water
I am a lake deep and endless
I am the word of knowledge
I am the sword and spear in battle
I am the one who puts fire in its head
Who spreads light in the gathering on the hills?
Who can tell the ages of the moon?
Who can tell the place where the sun rests?